Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga Poses for Beginners

Starting Yoga? The following are yoga poses for beginners that you could try.


Mountain Pose




The mountain pose is also known as Tadasana and is a two-foot stance that will serve as the foundation for other poses requiring balance and awareness. It is often described as the mother of all poses because it helps you discover the right alignment and shape for other movements. Method: Stand with your feet placed together and arms by your side. Keep your feet grounded firmly on the ground. Next, straighten your legs and keep your tailbone in as you use your thigh muscles. As you breathe in, stretch your torso and extend your arms up, then out. Breathe out and free your shoulder blades away from your head, right to the back of your waist and let your arms fall back to the sides.


Child’s Pose




Also known as Balasana, this pose resets your body and relaxes your nervous system. You should be a little careful if you have knee problems. Method: Start this posture from a kneeling position and tuck your toes under. Lower your butt down towards your feet as you extend your upper body forward and lower it with the arms stretched. Let your stomach rest comfortably on your thighs, with forehead lying on the mat.


Downward Facing Dog



This is one of the most popular yoga poses for beginners and is an excellent pose for stretching the back, shoulders, hamstring, and arms. Method: Extend your arms past your shoulders with fingers pointed forward, then bend on your hands and knees. Keep your hips under your hips and toes tucked inward. Form a V-shape position with your body. Keep a hip-width space between your feet and spread through all ten fingers. Afterward, move chest towards your legs.


Cat/Cow Pose




The cat/cow pose is a good way to exercise your back, and put your body in the mood for downward facing dog. It improves mobility, and helps to work out your wrist and shoulders. Method: Start with your knees and hands on the floor and put your neutral spine and abs to work. Inhale deeply, and while exhaling, round your spine up towards the ceiling and tuck your chin towards your chest, releasing your neck. Then arch your back and relax your abs. Uplift your head and tailbone, and be cautious not to put  


Corpse Pose




This is one of the best poses for meditation in yoga. It helps to relieve stress, induce a relaxed state and calms the mind. Method: Lie back down on your yoga mat and allow your feet to fall to their sides. With your arms placed alongside your torso, keep your palm slightly separated and facing upward. Relax your entire body, including your face. You can continue in this position for five or ten minutes.


Warrior 1



This pose is excellent for strengthening the legs and for enhancing your concentration and balance. Method: Starting from the mountain pose, exhale and place your left foot back up to four feet. It puts you in a lunge posture with your right ankle over the right knee. Raise up your arms and let it be in line with your ears. Turn your left foot to face the left wall at about 90 degrees, then align your left heel to be perpendicular with your right heel. Expand your chest and shoulders, and keep your hips square.


Warrior 2




This pose is just a variation of the warrior pose, but your body is externally rotated to the side rather than front facing. Aside from the benefits of the Warrior 1 pose, it gives more flexibility to your hip flexor muscles. Method: Start from the mountain pose and place your left foot backward about four feet, keeping your heels in line. Rotate your back foot about 90 degrees to make it perpendicular to the front one. Lift your arms to shoulder height and parallel to the floor. Bend your front knee, so it’s directly over the ankle and sinks hips low until the front thigh is parallel to the floor. Look straight ahead, eyes in line with your front-facing arm.

As a beginner, you can design your personalized yoga mat here. You can also read more on five precautions to note before starting yoga.

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