Yoga for the Traveller

Yoga for the Traveller

Yoga for the Traveller 
Whether its for business or for pleasure traveling is great for seeing new places and meeting new people. The only downside to that is that it’s easy to forget our normal routines and so go an entire trip without taking the time to work our bodies physically and mentally. These yoga poses are great for the traveller limited on time and space but not dedication to themselves.

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Warrior I

Starting in mountain pose step right leg back, keeping it straight and on the ball of the foot. Make sure to keep your hips straight forward and abdomen tucked in. Lift your hands up and feel the stretch through your back.    

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Revolved Side Angle pose

From warrior one bring your right hand to the outside of your left foot, keeping your arm straight and place right foot flat on the ground with a 45 degree angle to your body. Lift your left arm to the sky then align 45 degrees to the ground, to create one line from your right foot all the way to your left finger tips. Keep hips neutral and feel the twist in your spine.

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Warrior II

Come out of the revolved side angle pose, keeping feet where they are and reaching arms out. Square hips and remember to keep abdomen tucked.      

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Exalted Warrior

Bring your front arm up and over while your back arm reaches back and rests along your lower leg. Reach with both arms to feel the stretch along both sides of your body. For more of a challenge wrap your back arm around your back and reach for your front thigh.    

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Extended side angle with a bind
Come back to Warrior II then lean forward bringing your shoulder to the forward bending knee. Bring that hand down for stability, while reaching behind with the other hand. Then reach with the forward hand through your legs to bring both hands together in a clasp. Keep chest open and rotated upwards.   If you’re looking for some poses for those tiresome airplane rides or road trips these poses are simple enough to be done at the airport. It might seem strange at first to do yoga in public but more and more airports are opening yoga rooms, and by working your body you can avoid those travel aches.    
  1. Roll your joints
Start off by rolling your joints, beginning at your feet and working through your body. Roll your ankles, wrists and neck clockwise and counterclockwise.    
  1. Mountain pose

Rather than just standing, focus on your posture, square your hips, tuck in your abdomen and focus on your deep and regular breaths.

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Boat Pose

This is a great way to work your abdomen while focusing on your posture and strengthening your back. From a sitting position bring your legs forward and angle them 45 degrees from the floor, while leaning back with your back to create a right angle with your body. Bring your arms forward to be parallel with the floor. Be mindful to keep your back straight and abdomen tucked in.

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Camel Pose

Start on your knees with your hands on your hips, start leaning back and feeling the stretch in your lower back and abdomen. Releasing your hands bring them to your calves for support. Lift chest up to feel the stretch. When coming out of the pose be careful and slow, bring your chin down towards your chest and bring hands back to your hips.    

Yoga for the Traveller



  1. Forward Fold
Standing straight with legs a little wider than shoulder width apart, swan dive down to bring your chest to your knees, leaving your arms loose to pull you down.   So don't forget to continue to practice your yoga while travelling. Even if you are a beginner, its important to keep up with your yoga routine. Another handy routine is one designed to do at home, or in this case your hotel room. Another benefit of yoga while travelling is that it actually helps you sleep better. After being out all day seeing a new city, a good nights sleep is vital! Design your own mat for your forthcoming adventures here at Disruptsports!
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