Why Meditation Retreats are Important

Why Meditation Retreats are Important

In our busy lives it is easy to get overwhelmed with tasks and priorities. It leaves little time for us to take a breath and enjoy the present. To really enjoy life and make the best decisions we need a clear head and some time to ourselves. Actually taking the time in our day to do so however is easier said than done. To really unwind and find the time to destress, meditation retreats are ideal. It’s not necessary to book yourself into official  meditation retreats when you can do it right in the comfort of your own home. By scheduling as little as a morning or an entire weekend you can make yourself take the time to relieve yourself of stress and clear your head. To have the most successful meditation retreats at home consider the following.  


Know your intention

Think about what you hope to gain through this  meditation retreat. Are there certain decisions or situations you want to think through and clarify? Do you simply want to de-stress or is there a goal or purpose? Write down whichever it is. The more specific you are the better you will be able to prepare and the more effective your meditation retreats.  


Plan Ahead

Schedule the retreat into your calendar ahead of time like any other appointment that you can’t change. This way you’ll be less likely to put it off. Tell your friends and family that during that time you won’t be reached. Also look into where you want to do the retreat, either at home, camping or any other destination you desire. Make sure the area in which you practice is clean, uncluttered, airy and has natural light, maybe even with a view. Decorate with candles, figures or anything you might find inspiring. Also shop ahead for what you’ll want to eat throughout your retreat so you can focus on yourself.

Opt for nutritious, natural and light foods instead of processed or heavy ones.

Meditation Retreats



Set boundaries

To truly have the time to yourself consider locking away all devices in a closet. Turning off alarms and notifications and avoid checking your phone and emails for the duration of the retreat. The more you distance yourself of your daily responsibilities the more you can focus on yourself.  


Create a Schedule

Include the activities you want to make time for such as mediation, writing, listening, yoga and meals. It doesn’t have to be a rigid schedule, just a guide to make sure you get the time to do everything.   An example schedule can be the following:  

  • 5:30 - 6:30 sitting meditation
  • 6:30 - 7:30 gentle yoga or a walk
  • 7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast
  • 9:00 - 12:00 sitting meditation with walking meditation breaks
  • 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
  • 1:00 - 4:00 inspirational journaling or reading - with breaks for walks and rest
  • 6:00 - 7:00 Dinner
  • 7:00 - 9:00 Sitting meditation
  • 9:00 - 10:00 Hot bath before bed   


Do Retreats Often

With a retreat being so accessible try to do it often, every few months or so. With practise you’ll improve your abilities to reduce stress, clear your mind and improve awareness

Meditation Retreats


Why is it important to do meditation retreats then? It gives you the time and space to reach your inner wisdom. With any decisions or situations in life the more time and energy you take to understand yourself, the more relaxed you will be and the better the outcomes. It is easy to be overwhelmed by outside influences so it is important to take the time to look within. Yoga improves your sleep, helps you improve for any sport you may play and can be practised anywhere. Find time for yoga meditation retreats to get into the routine needed to fully experience the benefits of yoga.

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