Sound marketing strategies have long been a cornerstone of a successful business. Using sports can be a great way to develop brand recognition, so we have compiled a list of the Top 15 Marketing Ideas for Promotional Sports.
1. Promote your healthy living food or drink product on a yoga mat
Yoga goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. Enthusiasts want to take care of their body and their mind, and if your product helps to serve this need, what better place to advertise than on a
custom made yoga mat.
2. Brand the bottom of a skateboard with your skate wear brand
Skate clothes are pretty specific to skaters, and having your brand name plastered across the bottom of a board is a great way to get noticed. Imagine seeing your company name fly through the air on
3. Advertise your baseball company on a baseball bat
A custom branded baseball bat
This may sound obvious, but ensuring your company is visible to the people who you want to see it is going to boost your exposure. Custom branding, such as shown here is a great way to gain customers.
4. Advertise Gatorade on a Rugby Ball
Or any high-intensity sport ball.
Gatorade endeavours to promote itself as an efficient way to refuel after exercise, so advertising where people who need it are going to see it is just one of many great marketing ideas for promotional sports.
5. Brand a golf ball with your clothing label
Golf requires a very particular style of clothing to be worn. Imagine your clothing label branded across a golf ball, rolling to a halt 6 feet from the hole following a flush 7-iron, and watch your sales skyrocket.
6. Have an influential cricket figure mention your cricket product
The influence of famous people has grown exponentially with the rise of social media. Finding someone relevant and willing to mention your product is a great marketing tool.
7. Promote online
The rise of social media also makes advertising online all the more important for getting your brand name out there.
8. Advertise your winter clothing range on a snowboard
This is pretty self-explanatory. Anywhere there's a snowboard there is likely also snow and cold weather. So what do snowboarders need? Warm clothes.
Check this out for ideas.
9. Have an olympic gold-medal winning athlete promote water
Imagine using a world-class athlete as a means to promote drinking water instead of sugary soft drinks. This is an example posited by
Forbes Magazine, and another of many marketing ideas for promotional sports which utilises high profile people.
10. Get John-John Florence to put your swimwear company on his surfboard
Obviously this is idealistic for many, but the idea is simple enough. Swimwear and surfing are strongly linked, and using any prominent surfer to promote your brand is sure to boost exposure.
11. Advertise anything on an Australian Rules Football!
An example of a brand name synonymous with sporting equipment
Think of how synonymous the SHERRIN logo is with an Aussie Rules Footy. Get a piece of leather out there with your company name where the Sherrin would normally be, and it will stand out.
12. Likewise on a basketball!
Basketballs are a great piece of sporting equipment to advertise on, for one simple reason. They're everywhere. There are hoops at local parks everywhere, and there is almost always someone using them. A great way to get your brand out there.
13. Promote your sunscreen brand on a tennis ball
Tennis balls generate thoughts of two things: tennis, and backyard cricket. Both of these are synonymous with steamy, summer weather, a time where the smell of sunscreen permeates the air.
14. Promote Tourism Australia with a kangaroo
This was actually done by
Branded. As explained
here, the use of an iconic Australian animal is another of many great marketing ideas for promotional sports.
15. Advertise anything across the top of a surfboard!
Having any brand name plastered across the top of a surfboard is a sure-fire way to get noticed. They're big, noticeable, and with your company logo on them they are almost a portable billboard.